4th Amsterdam International Update 
on Hepatology 
. .
March 12, 2004
Organizing committee
R.A. Chamuleau
H.W. Reesink
E.A. Jones
J.P. Allain,       Cambridge, UK
M. Beld,          Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Th. van Gulik,   Amsterdam, the Netherlands
F. ten Kate,     Amsterdam, the Netherlands
H. Lameris,      Amsterdam, the Netherlands
M. Manns,       Hannover, Germany
D. Mutimer,      Birmingham, UK
T. Poynard,      Paris, France
H.W. Reesink,  Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Th. Ruys,         Amsterdam, the Netherlands
S.W. Schalm,   Rotterdam, the Netherlands
R.E. Sentjens,  Amsterdam, the Netherlands
H.C. Thomas,   London, UK
R. Williams,     London, UK
S. Zeuzem,      Homburg/Saar, Germany
6 points
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Friday, March 12, 2004
      08.30 Registration & coffee
      09.00 The hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the natural history of hepatitis B
             J.P. Allain
      09.25 Treatment of HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B
             S.W. Schalm
      09.50 HBV mutants and treatment of HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B
               S. Hadziyannis

      10.40 The hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the natural history of hepatitis C
.           H.C. Thomas
      11.05 Current treatment of chronic hepatitis C
            M. Manns
      11.30 Interferon induction therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C
.            who are difficult to treat
             R.E. Sentjens
      11.50 Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with protease inhibitors
             H.W. Reesink
      12.10 Value of hepatic histology in the management of chronic viral hepatitis
             F. ten Kate
      12.00 Is liver fibrosis in chronic viral hepatitis reversible?
            T. Poynard
      13.45 Update on assays for HBV-DNA and HCV-RNA
             M. Beld
      14.05 Relationship between HCV-RNA kinetics and therapeutic response
 .           S. Zeuzem
      14.30 Approaches for diagnosing HCC
               H. Lameris
      14.55 Curative and palliative treatment of HCC
               Th. van Gulik
      15.40 Co-infection with HCV and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
               Th. Ruys
      16.00 Recurrence of HBV and HCV after liver transplantation
               D. Mutimer
      16.25 Viral hepatitis as a cause of fulminant hepatic failure
               R. Williams
      17.00 Adjourn
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Participants can register by completing the registration form and payment of the fee. Registration fee covers course participation, coffee/tea and lunch
The Fee:  € 150
By banktransfer, credit card (American Express, Euro/Master card or Visa), or cash at registration. The bank account of the EPGS:
ABN AMRO Bank, no
Meibergdreef Amsterdam NL
IBAN no. NL29ABNA0546946275 
Further information, mailings and a registration form can be obtained through:

   Mrs. Joy Goedkoop
   European Postgraduate Gastrosurgical school 
   Meibergdreef 9
   NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam
   The Netherlands

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